Mr. Sitaram Singha


Little Flowers' School (High School)

Secretary Speech

At the very out set on this auspicious occasion of the 25th- 26th Annual Social Function cum-prize awarding ceremony of Little Flowers’ School (High School), I, on behalf of Model Education Society and Little Flowers’ School (High School), convey our heart-felt gratitude to a 1the Hon’ble Guests, Parents, Guardians and well wishers who have kindly graced this occasion to share our joy.

In our long march ahead we have crossed another milestone and in this way thirty eight milestone we have crossed. During these thirty eight years, we had our sunny day, no doubt but some time gloomy days shocked us very deeply. But ultimately we have been able to overcome all these black days.

We deeply mourn the sad demise of very enthusiastic and sympathetic members of our society Debaprasad Mukherjee and Sova Chakraborty.

We also lost our two members of Model Education Society viz. Narendranath Mazumdar and Badal Banerjee.

We pay our homage and deep respect to the memories of all of them and convey our sympathy to the bereaved members of their families.

Uttarpara can hoast of a very famous cultural heritage developed through centuries in an unique atmosphere of peace and amity. Perfectly in tune with that heritage some of us with Philanthropic zeal set up the Model education Society in October, 1981 having lofty missions of spreading true education to all, irrespective of cast, creed and religion and of uplifting the Society in various ways. The Little Flowers’ School (High School) is its Educational wing and the sivasram (orphanage) is a part of the society’s social uplift wing.

We cherish a high hope about our future. Our Little Flowers’ School (High School) has been improving day by day. This is being reflected through the better performance of our ex- students (Madhyamik and H. S. Passed) in the field of higher Education in other institutions.

Last but not the least is my heart felt respect and gratitude to the Honorable Teaching and non-teaching staff of the School, the Members of the Managing committee of school and Model Education Society without whose whole hearted support and co- operation we could not reach up to the present position and can never dare to hope for golden future with profound gratitude.

Mr. Sitaram Singha

Little Flowers’ School (High School)
Model Education Society