Mrs. Saswati Seth


Little Flowers' School (High School)

About us

The origin of Little Flowers’ School(High School)(erstwhile Little Flowers’ School) goes to as back as 1981 when the Model Education Society, a Govt. registered Philanthropic Organization established this school in a rented house at 167, Amarendra Sarani, in the posh area of Uttarpara which can boast of a centuries old cultural fluorescence of global recognition.

The school continued to the semi rented house till 2002. But it hadto face some rough weather to get its own building at this present site.

At present, housed in its own 4 storied new building at 83/1,Amarendra Sarani, Po. – Uttarpara, Dt. – Hooghly, in between the calm and serene riverine beauty on the east and the historic old G.T. Road on the West, this Little Flowers’ School has become an object of academic attraction in Bengal.

Here the children are getting value based holistic education in the peaceful ambience of a picturesque panorama presented by the famous Dakshineswar Kali Temple on the eastern bank of the Ganges, just opposite our school, and the Vivekananda• and Nivedita Bridges which stand approximately 500 meters away on the south east corner of our school building. The scenario presents a blending of Indian heritage art and modern science.

In 2007 the Little Flowers’ School got the Govt. recognition as a junior High School and in 201O this school was upgraded to X- class High School by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. Now this year (2016) Little • Flowers’ School (High School) has been further upgraded to a Higher Secondary school by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.

Yes, after a hazardous long-march of 35 years we got recognition for all three categories (Junior High, High and Higher Secondary) – from the proper authorities like the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Absolutely it is a blessing for all of us but not an unmixed one. We got recognition but without any financial support or grant from the Government.

Therefore, ours is a self – financing institution, of course, with a philanthropic zeal. Little Flowers’ School is neither a profiteering institution run by Model Education Society nor an institution compromising with quality education.
We consider all children to be so many little flowers. After undergoing about ten years of training in their previous institutions they get themselves admitted in the H.S. class of our school to get higher training for two years.

But these two years of post-matric period are the most crucial years in the life of a teen – ager. Any negligence on the part of any of us will mar his I her whole life.

Therefore, our sole endeavor is to make our students feel, realize and then utilize their immense innate potentiality to reach the zenith f success in their life. Self-confidence will embolden them.