Little Flowers' School (High School)

Co-Curricular Activities

The school offers lots of co-curricular activities to the students of this institution. This activity -centric education not only drives away the monotony of their bookish education but also gives them joy of creation and also an exposure to face the reality of life in the future, successfully. A few of the activities may be mentioned here:
  • Observance of Red letter Days: Independence Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Rabindranath Tagore’s Birth Day etc. are observed in a befitting manner.
  • Annual Athletic Sports: This Event is held every year with the participation of almost all the students of this institute
  • Annual Cultural Function and Prize Awarding Ceremony  :These combined events are organized on a single occasion in a gorgeous Way under the loving guidance of their beloved teachers our students make it a grand success.
  • Scout & Guide Training : Our school has joined an _International · Social Movement by introducing Bharat Scout and Guide training course in our  school for  our students – both boys  and  girls.
  • Health Checkup  camp :This check – up camp is also organized in our school premises once or twice a year with the kind co-operation of the People’s Relief Committee of Uttarpara zone and a few Specialist Physicians of the locality.
  • Educational Tour: We undertake educational tour every year.
  • House System: Our students have been divided into four Houses, named after the four luminaries in the field of education of our country viz. Vidyasagar (blue), Rabindranath (green), Vivekananda (yellow) and Dr. Radhakrishnan {red), with a view to inculcating in them dynamism, wisdom, presence of mind, spirit of competition, cooperation, leadership, empathy, innovation and other values of life through various school activities.
  • Educational Exhibition: Every year, during Saraswati Puja the creative zeal of all our students is manifested in different exhibits produced and presented by them in the Exhibition.